Safe Haven Reminders for Coaches


Safe Haven Reminders-pdf

Signed Player Registration – Emergency Treatment Authorization. Have signed copies of Player Registration Emergency Treatment Authorization Forms at every AYSO activity in the event of a medical emergency for treatment authorization and contact information.

2 Registered Adults. Always have at least one registered Assistant Coach and/or Team Parent/Manager at every practice or game. It is recommended that one adult be of the same gender as the players.

 No adult should ever be alone with a child other than their own.

Team Messages. Communicate all messages about practices, games or other events to parents; copy older players using secure, private options such as your Team site, emails, text and voice messages. Never communicate privately with a minor without including a parent/guardian.

Player Privacy. Protect player identities by not posting names with pictures or jersey numbers and rosters on public websites, banners or in newspapers

Key Documents – Refer to the Coach’s Clipboardshare with parents and use as necessary:

  • A Parent’s Guide to AYSO provides parents with basic information about what to expect in an AYSO program and how soccer is played.
  • AYSO Incident Report Forms – to report illness or injuries requiring medical treatment, possible concussions, misconduct, AYSO property damage or loss, threats or lawsuits.
  • AYSO Player Return to Participation Release Form – for parents to sign after a child has been ill or injured.
  • Soccer Accident Insurance Brochure/Claim Form – for parents when a child is injured during an AYSO activity.
  • Coach/Referee Concussion Action Plan – with steps for coaches in the event a player may have suffered a concussion and extra AYSO/CDC Parent/Player Concussion Information Sheets – to give to parents.
  • AYSO General Release Forms – for parents to sign, authorizing coaches to allow their child to walk, bike or drive home themselves or with another designated adult.

Kids Zone – Support Kids Zone by reviewing the Coach Code of Conduct and Kids Zone Parent Pledge with your team members and families to help provide for a safe, fair, fun, family-friendly environment or safe haven.

Goalposts – Goalposts should be inspected before every activity to ensure they are securely anchored, counter-weighted and that nets are safely attached. No one should be allowed to climb or play on goalposts and children should not help move portable goals.