#1.A Kick in the Grass
New Coach Educator Course
Improve AYSO National Coaching Program on field delivery and local play environments. Identify, train and develop the new cohort of AYSO Coach Educators and Coach Educator Developers (CEDs). CEDs will offer both courses and continuing education to AYSO Coach Educators. Local in-market Coach Educator trainings and a residential CED Course in CA
Better Coach Educators (Instructors)! Better Coaches! Better Environments! Better Players!
#2.If You Brand It
AYSO Coach Branding
Develop an AYSO Coaching brand. Make every AYSO coach recognizable on the pitch and at training sessions (branded coach-line). Launch internal marketing and recognition program, “Proud AYSO Coach”.
Boost the profile of our local coaches to help attract, recognize, retain and develop coaching cohort.
#3.Lend a Hand
Consolidated Coaching Materials
Refine amount of quality content available, and used at the player/coach/parent interface (the pitch). Easily available and practical assets to improve the experience and ultimately the environments. Includes structured follow-up and touchpoints and communications for ongoing support. (Cliff notes, non-negotiables.)
Includes data tracking to gauge impact.
#4.Tell The Story
Social Media and Promotions
Improve AYSO internal and external marketing to current and prospective families, players and coaches. Better support local marketing efforts. Sell the “AYSO Story”. Aggressive and innovative social media campaign +. Connect national media to local.