The Registrar

AYSO’s National Bylaw 1.04 (n) and Standard Regional Policies and Protocols require a minimum of seven board positions:

Child Volunteer Protection Advocate (CVPA)
Regional Commissioners
Regional Coach Administrator
Regional Referee Administrator
Safety Director

The Registrar – is one of the 7 required Regional Board positions as specified in the National Bylaws and Standard Regional Policies and Protocols. Registrar’s role is to organize and implement the annual registration of players and volunteers.

The primary responsibilities of the Registrar include:

  • Planning the annual registration of all players and volunteers with the CVPA and Treasurer.
  • Maintaining a waiting list for players who sign up after teams are balanced and filled.
  • Reconciling registrations forms with fees paid for each registration event.
  • Ensuring all players are registered.
  • Ensuring the National Player Fees are paid.

Registrar training requirements include:

  • Registrar Job Training
  • AYSO’s Safe Haven
  • CDC’s Concussion Awareness Training

Click here for the Registrar Job Description.