Updating Your Sterling Credit Card

Process for Updating Credit Card Auto Pay:

  1. Complete the included Auto-Pay enrollment form
  2. Your Account ID will follow this format: VV3086-R####
  3. (i.e. VV3086-R867 for Region 867 or VV3086-S1 for Section 1)
  4. The name of your company is AYSO or American Youth Soccer Organization
  5. Do not include the Full Credit Card Number – only the last 4
  6. Email the completed form to Sterling:
  7. When the Account Receivable team receives the completed form, they will contact you to retrieve full card information.
  8. You may also proactively provide the full credit card details after submitting the form by calling the Account Receivable team at this number – 800-853-3228.

You may download the update form here.