Alliance Coaches


  • Openings for Head Coaching positions within the AYSO ALLIANCE program must be advertised each year and applications submitted to the AYSO ALLIANCE Director as well as Area and Region administrators.
  • Coaches must have the required State licensing and AYSO Area Requirements. (Equivalent AYSO Certifications are preferred).
  • NEW Coaches seeking a position must submit an application (soccer resume, coaching certifications) via email (electronic applications are available on the AYSO Website).

Trainer and Contracts

  • It is encouraged that all ALLIANCE coaches strive to develop a year-round coaching program for their ALLIANCE teams; however, supplemental training programs may be offered.
  • AYSO has existing agreements with many trainer/camp providers. Please contact the AYSO Office for the current list.
  • Should an Alliance program desire to utilize a different organization, the provider must complete the AYSO “Paid Services Agreement” which are signed  by the AYSO Executive Director.
  • Any Trainer agreements/contracts must be approved by the AYSO ALLIANCE Director, and the AYSO Office. All requirements (work permits, insurance, and qualifications) fall in line with AYSO National standards. The AYSO Office will perform regular vendor checks to ensure compliance with National standards.
  • Agreement template and process can be found here: Paid Services page.

Coaches (Head and Assistant) MUST:

  • Adhere to the AYSO Vision, Mission, and AYSO Philosophies, in particular, Positive Coaching, Good Sportsmanship, and Player Development and have the AYSO basic coaching registration criteria (expected of all AYSO volunteers).
  • Take the online Safe Haven (Child and Volunteer Protection) Course (after 2019).
  • Complete CDC Heads Up Concussion Training through the official AYSO training program of record.
  • Fill out a Volunteer form with e-signature online at local ALLIANCE registration portal annually.
  • Coaches are required to take SafeSport training and meet all other AYSO volunteer requirements.
  • Have and maintain a current State Association Risk Management Disclosure, or applicable equivalent as requested by the State association. This will ensure that coaches can get State Association Coaches Cards and be allowed to be on the sidelines during games and tournaments. Failure to complete this prior to the first competitive game will result in suspension from coaching until all requirements are complete.

Coach Training Level

Coaches must be licensed to the requirements of their state associations or applicable gaming circuit. Additionally, pending AYSO Area or Section standards and requirements, each head coach and assistant coach may require AYSO certification at the age level that they are working with:

  • 12U             AYSO U12 Coach Certificate.
  • 13U-14U    AYSO Intermediate Coach Certificate.
  • 15U-19U    AYSO Advanced Coach Certificate.

All certification requirements relate to the most recent National Coaching Program course:

  • 10U and 12U must have completed the course after January 2013 Intermediate must have completed the course after January 2015 Advanced must have completed the course after January 2018.
  • Contact the local Section Coach Administrator for any coaches requiring U.S. Soccer equivalency or United Soccer Coaches reciprocity.

These requirements do not apply to tryouts for the AYSO ALLIANCE Team.

Head Coach’s Responsibility

The team’s head coach is ultimately responsible for all team activities and is directly accountable to their AYSO ALLIANCE Director. However, a Head Coach can assign duties to others within his team’s management and structure.

The team’s head coach will be responsible for:

  • Training times, place, and games (including scrimmages).
  • Timely communication with all team parents.
  • Tournament play, organize transportation and lodging.
  • Disciplinary action, as needed.
  • Proper and required paperwork.
  • Ensuring that EACH PLAYER WILL play a minimum of one-half of each game (injuries and disciplinary action exempt).
  • Ensuring AYSO volunteer to player ratio is adhered to at all times.
  • All coaches will dress in a professional manner (AYSO ALLIANCE branded apparel) at all matches, training sessions, and other AYSO ALLIANCE-related events.